Medical Education

Our main goal at CardioServ, is to inspire excellence in imaging and we believe this includes helping you to be your best.  Everyone has a role in improving the quality of diagnostic imaging and we provide you with the tools to make advancing your specific skills easy, accessible and fun!  We know that having the latest information regarding best practices, imaging techniques and practical applications allows you to perform better.  This is why we offer different learning opportunities including our blog, webinars and live meetings.

While working with labs across the US, we found clinicians and physicians that were caring and conscientious about providing quality diagnostic care yet were making common mistakes regarding techniques.  Often these mistakes had been passed down to them from their mentors. It’s easy to assume that mistakes are made because someone is rushing or not caring, but we found that often imaging technique errors were simply due to a lack of knowledge.  It was this realization that made CardioServ focus on dedicating more time to education.

Continuing Medical Education

The mission of our continuing medical education program is to educate physicians, sonographers, and other members of the care team on relevant best practices based on valid standards and guidelines to advance knowledge, enhance performance and improve patient outcomes.

Currently, our educational services include:

  • Online category 1, AMA, CMEs
  • Live meetings / Webinars
  • Blogs

Online CMEs

You spoke, we listened!  You need online cardiology CMEs that are quick and easy to obtain, yet contain quality material that is relevant to your daily practice.  We have created an online learning platform to provide you with cat 1, AMA Online cardiology CMEs.  CardioServ is thrilled to announce this new resource, allowing you to maintain CME requirements and advance your skills in an easy, accessible, and fun way!

Live Meetings

We provide on-campus educational meetings, conferences,  and webinars.  Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we will offer live webinars in lieu of live meetings. Webinars help you to stay current with the latest industry news and updates while staying safe by practicing social distancing guidelines.  We are all in this together.

CardioServ Blog

You have busy lives and often have only small increments of time available to keep up with industry standards and best practices.  We understand and have addressed this by providing education in bite-size pieces. We have simplified the latest imaging guidelines into blogs that offer tips and techniques that are a quick and easy read. You can access and review these teaching blogs at any time.  We welcome guest writers, so if you are passionate about a topic and want to share, please contact us.  We also enjoy receiving topic suggestions, so feel free to drop us a line and request a topic you would like us to cover.  We believe that we should all share our knowledge to inspire excellence in imaging! Sign up to receive our blog directly into your inbox!


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